Christmas Bazaar Update and Happy New Year

Charity Christmas Bazaar Poster

Hi Everyone,

Well first of all huge apologies for the long delay in getting an update to you about how the Christmas Bazaar went. Unfortunately just afterwards I went down with the dreaded lurgie, then Christmas was upon us. Anyway here we are in a brand new year – and I’m sure Amy is going to have a lot more fundraising ideas and schemes for us during 2015.

As you know the Christmas Bazaar took place on Saturday 29th November at Colbury Memorial Hall. We had all the usual nerves about whether or not anyone would turn up to support us – but we need not have worried. A number of us had advertised the event widely putting posters up in every available place we could think of – leaflet drops were carried out in the local and not quite so local area and as a result we had almost 200 people through the door. PLUS we had the amazing banner outside the hall during the weeks leading up to the event –

Charity Christmas bazaar banner

Once inside there was plenty for them to do and see. We had over 20 stalls, some were charities stalls and others were individuals selling their wares. These included Bartley Skate Park, Butterflies Community Store (which is run by Amy Guy), Macmillan Cancer Support, Myaware (previously Myasthenia Gravis Association) Hampshire Branch, CMV Action was represented, Slimming World, Tia’s Jewellery and Crafts, Tarot Cards, Sweets, Crafty Frames and Bangles, Phoenix Cards, Nail Art and much much more.

The kitchen, which was run by Butterflies Community Store, supplied hot and cold drinks plus hot dogs, mince pies, cakes and biscuits. The hot dogs went down so well that they ran out. There was also a cake stall which had an array of various donated home made cakes for sale which also did extremely well.

In Kids Kingdom there was Santa’s Grotto where the children could go and tell Santa if they’d been naughty or good and let him know what they would like for Christmas. Each child then received a gift from the big guy! There were also activities for the children to do, they could have a go on the lucky dip, make magical reindeer food, have their faces painted, and have a go at making christmas decorations. Santa had a team of elves to help him with these tasks.


In the lead up to the Christmas Bazaar we wrote to a number of companies and organisations explaining what we were doing and asking if they would consider donating a prize to our cause. We were overwhelmed by the response, and as promised here are the names of everyone who gave us a prize

Hampshire Cricket, Ageas Bowl
Paulton’s Park
Hall and Woodhouse
Beaulieu Motor Museum
Shirley Garage
Westland Motors
Classy Nails, Shirley
Curry House, Sholing
Reflections Cafe, Shirley
Longdown Activity Farm
Stewarts Garden Centre
Goodies Fish and Chips, Totton
The Pyramid Centre
Frankies Fun Factory

We sold tickets for the raffle in the weeks leading up to the bazaar as well as on the day. The winners were all delighted with their prizes – especially the main prize of a day at the cricket for four people.

After costs or hiring the hall etc, the afternoon made a total profit of £400.00. We have put this with other money raised since March and at the end of March 2015 when Butterflies Community Store celebrates its first year of trading Amy will present some of the charities she supports with cheques. These charities range from Myaware (Hampshire Branch); Stanley Graveson Ward, Wessex Neurological Centre, Southampton General Hospital; Society St. James; Ward G2 Souhampton General Hospital; and Young Carers.

Some of you may have heard that just before Christmas somebody stole toys that had been bought for the children on the Childrens Wards at Southampton General Hosptial. Despite being unwell herself, Amy went to the hosptial on Christmas Eve and donated the toys that Santa had left over from the Christmas Bazaar, as well as a number of other toys. It was thanks to the support given to Amys HOPE 20 and the Christmas Bazaar that she was able to do this.

We have also been able to raise funds by selling from the Webb Ivory catalogue in the lead up to Christmas. We have done this in previous years, but since Amys HOPE 20 has raised more awareness of the illness, Myasthenia Gravis, this year we had more people buying from the catalogue than before so will have raised more for Myaware (Hampshire Branch) than in previous years. We expect to be able to give them around £140.00.

Once again a massive ‘Thank you’ to everyone who has supported our fundraising efforts. Look out for our next venture, which I’m sure won’t be far away.

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