Abseil – Sunday 26th April – She did it!

On Saturday 25th April a car load of us (7 in total) headed up to London to ensure that we were ready for the Myaware Abseil taking place at The ArcelorMittal Orbit, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, the following day. Only one of us, Amy Guy, was going to be taking part, but we were all going to play our part in helping her to keep a check on her nerves leading up to the event. Quite an important role we felt, especially as she’s scared of heights and had never previously considered doing anything that involved being that far above the ground!

None of us were familiar with the area, but Amy and I had booked a Bed and Breakfast online. It was not expensive and well, it looked OK in the photograph! When we got there we were, to put it mildly, not overly impressed, and we’re pretty sure the photograph was a number of years old – but hey ho, it was only for one night so we decided to just make the best of it.

We all went out for a meal and Amy was noticeably nervous about what lay ahead, but hopefully the general chit chat, mostly about how she and I would not be trusted to book accommodation on any future trips, was enough to alleviate some of her fears. We then headed back to our accommodation – we’d booked two family rooms, but when we’d arrived we were told that there wasn’t enough room in the B & B for both families so one of the families had to stay across the road – and round the corner in another, even less salubrious B & B. Somehow we all managed to sleep and the following morning we declined the ”Continental style” breakfast on offer (Toast and/or cereal) and headed off to the local Harvester where we had a really scrumptious breakfast. We thought this would be fine for Amy as, after all, her Abseil wasn’t scheduled until 12 o’clock.

We then headed off to the Olympic Park which was relatively easy to find, and parking was not a problem at all – in fact we were quite surprised at just how quiet it was.

The abseiling had already started (there were a total of 22 abseilers taking part in this Myaware fundraiser). Amy watched on as someone gingerly lowered themselves down the outside of the Orbit – a tad nervously I have to say. We then headed around to the entrance so that Amy could sign in. We spoke to Steve Saunders, who said that we were nice an early, but added that they were running ahead of time so Amy could go straight up!!

Not sure how that really made her feel, especially as she’d just had a major breakfast, but on the plus side it meant she wouldn’t be hanging around for an hour or so waiting to be called. As Amy was a wheelchair user, her partner, Allyn, was allowed to go with her to the top of the Orbit so that he could help her. (It also meant he was able to take some photographs of her as she started her abseil).  The rest of us had to stay outside – and wait for her decent!

Im off

A number of other abseilers came down, at one point two came down together, and then it was Amy’s turn. It was difficult to see her at first – she appeared to be just a little spec, but then down she came – I videoed it with one excited 5 year old beside me cheering her mum on. Megan, Harry and Dave were all taking photos – we were all extremely proud of our Myasthenia Warrior.

Amy’s decent was anything but slow, she quickly got into her stride, feeding the ropes through her hands and coming down the 350 ft tall structure in around four and a half minutes.

Amy 2Amy 3Amy 4Amy 5






We made our way to the railings to see one very jubilant AMY beaming from ear to ear, obviously thrilled at what she’d achieved. We then headed round to the entrance to meet up with her. We arrived before she did, but they informed us they’d already heard that Amy had loved the abseil – and wanted to do it again.

Amy and Allyn then appeared through the door, we all gave her a cheer and watched on as she was presented with her medal and certificate.

Certificate and medal

Sponsor money is still coming in, but at the last count Amy had raised over £600.

After Amy had completed her abseil she went for a well-deserved coffee and cake – the kids and I went up the Orbit in the Lift then walked back down the 450 steps, but not before taking some photos of the views, including one of the car.
View 3View 1
Amys car

At this moment in time Amy’s H.O.P.E. 20 has got nothing planned for the immediate future, but you never know what’s round the corner so we promise to keep you posted of any future events, watch this space!